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We provide vaccinations that are personalized for each pet, based on their lifestyle needs. We will talk with you about your pet’s activities to help determine the most appropriate pet vaccination protocol.

The Research Behind Pet Vaccinations

Vaccinations are personalized for each pet, based on their lifestyle, age, and medical conditions. Many pet vaccines give years of immunity and do not need to be boostered yearly. Unfortunately, we see numerous pets who have been over-vaccinated. Did you know that over-vaccinating can lead to immune-mediated diseases (where the body attacks its own system)? The immune system is “turned on” after appropriate vaccinations are given so it makes antibodies against the disease it is protecting against. These antibodies are the “soldiers” which keep watch and stop certain viruses from entering the body. Over-vaccination keeps producing more and more unneeded extra antibodies which can eventually turn against their own red blood cells or platelets and cause serious disease problems inside your pet’s body. Appropriate pet vaccination schedules help make just the right amount of antibodies for each disease.

You may wonder how we know which vaccines protect for only 1 year and which ones protect for longer! Once a year, Dr. Palma participates in a round table seminar with Dr. Steven Ford who studies the research and sets vaccine protocols for the AVMA. Our pet vaccination recommendations are based on these research studies and not on the premise that all vaccines need to be repeated yearly for the rest of your pet’s life! Let’s look at some of the most commonly required vaccines in Florida.

Bordetella (kennel cough)

Vaccines should be given as a nasal spray or oral solution and last 11-13 months (this is a true yearly vaccine).


A disease that is transmitted in the urine of dogs and other wild animals and causes fatal liver and kidney disease. It is contagious (zoonotic) to humans and your dog should be vaccinated yearly for this disease (again, this vaccine only lasts 11-13 months).


Rabies vaccines can bolstered every year or every 3 years, depending on where your pet is on their vaccine protocol. For example, the initial Rabies vaccine administered needs a booster the following year but that booster will last your pet 3 years. Do not vaccinate your pet every year for rabies after the first 1-year booster is given!

Commonly Needed Cat Vaccines in Tampa


Required by law for all pets and given at 16 weeks of age, and then every 12 months. We perform both 1-year rabies and 3-year rabies vaccines.

FVRCP (Feline Distemper) Vaccine

Also called a Feline Distemper Vaccine, this vaccine prevents three different diseases:

  • Feline Viral Rhinotracheitis (Herpesvirus) – A highly contagious respiratory infection that affects the eyes, nose, and throat.
  • Calicivirus – a respiratory infection with some similarities to feline viral rhinotracheitis, but also tends to leave ulcers on the tongue.
  • Panleukopenia – similar to parvovirus in puppies, this dangerous virus causes vomiting, diarrhea, and immune suppression.

The first vaccine is given at 8 weeks, then a booster every 3-4 weeks until about 16 weeks of age, given again within 12 months, and then every 3 years thereafter.

Feline Leukemia Virus

This virus is deadly to cats due to its destructive effects on the immune system. Outdoor cats are at a higher risk. Two doses are given at 3-4 week intervals, after which annual boosters (recombinant vaccine) or 3-yearly boosters (inactivated vaccine). This vaccine is not required but can be recommended depending on the cat.

Pet owners who travel with their pets outside the state of Florida may have some additional concerns that we can discuss with you at the time of your pet’s vaccination.

We will speak with you at your pet’s annual wellness exam to discuss your pet’s activities, travel status, and vulnerability to certain viruses present in Florida to help determine the most appropriate pet vaccination protocol for them. We welcome your questions and concerns about vaccinating your pet and look forward to developing a vaccine protocol that is right for them and you!